Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Closing In

It has been quite a journey of faith as we near our long-time goal of ministering to orphans in Ukraine.  At times we wonder if the support-raising process will ever end, but we are reminded that the journey is often just as important as the destination.  When we started this journey 18 months ago the task seemed daunting and the finish line very far away.  Our faith was stretched in new ways as the wisdom of trying to raise support during a major economic recession was questioned, both by us and by others.  In the end we kept coming back to who God is and the calling we knew He has given us.  Now, although we still have over 20% of our support to raise our attitude has changed from doubt to expectation as we rest confidently in the faithfulness of God.
      One of my favorite statements in all of Scripture was said by the father of a demon-possessed son in Mark 9:24, "Lord I believe; help my unbelief!"  The more I pursue Christ the more this desperate cry for faith resonates with me.  There was a time when I wished we could skip this whole process and arrive on the mission field right away.  Looking back now however, we would not trade this time for anything.  It is humbling to be so dependent on so many other people for the fulfillment of our dream.  At the same time it is richly rewarding to see God lead others to join our team.  We have benefited greatly from the interaction and encouragement we have received from many of you.  This time has been a wonderful testimony to us of how the body of Christ works, and we are blessed to have experienced it.

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